Wisconsin Home Remodeling Blog | Stebnitz Builders

Are you Listening?

Written by Chris Stebnitz - Stebnitz Builders | May 3, 2013 3:58:53 PM


If only it were this easy to know that the person you are talking to is really hearing everything it is you want them to hear. Sure, they may be paying attention, but in 10 minutes, will they be able to recall what you said. Experts say - no way.


Over the last 10 years, we have spent considerable time creating a system internally that would help enable us to hear 100% of everything our clients wish us to hear. And because we have seen the studies that show less than 30% of a typical conversation is retained, we've made it a mission of ours to Perfect the Art of Listening in everything we do throughout the life-cycle of a project in order to ensure we hear 100%.

In our continued studies in Perfecting the Art of Listening, we ran across a very intriguing article from the Harvard Business Review that read as if it had been lifted straight from our training manuals.

Here are a couple of the more poignant excerpts:


There are many ways people fail to retain the full 100% of any conversation, but according to the author, listening in the first three ways will make true retention a daunting task.


Truly listening "into" our clients gives us a much better understanding of the fears, the hopes, the dreams and aspirations all of our clients have regarding their home and the projects needed to ensure their home better fits their lifestyles. Our clients continue to enjoy the lengths we go to ensure we hear 100% of everything they wish us to hear.


Stebnitz Builders