Third Generation of Giving
Chris Stebnitz is not only a third generation owner of Stebnitz Builders, but he's also the third generation in his family to support the United Way of Walworth County. He's proud to continue the family legacy of serving the United Way, dating back over 50 years with his mother, Barb Stebnitz, and his grandmother, Eleanor Packard.
He was recently recognized by the Board for serving as Chairperson for the 2016-17 campaign. Chris started working with the United Way as a board member of the Delavan-Darien United Way in 2005 and was involved in the movement to combine the DDUW and the Geneva Lakes United Way to form the county United Way as it operates today. Along with working on several committees through the last 12 years, Chris also served as Chairperson for the 2010-11 campaign.
Stebnitz Builders has also had an active United Way employee campaign since the 1990's. An employee campaign allows employees the opportunity to have a portion of their payroll check go directly to the United Way. As an added bonus at Stebnitz Builders, the company agrees to match that donation, adding even more impact to the individual contributions.

Sixteen non-profit agencies from Walworth County gathered on Monday, July 31 to discuss how they're making a difference in the lives of so many residents of Walworth County. Agencies like SMILES, Walworth County Housing Authority, East Troy Family & Community Resource Center, Volunteer Connection, Open Arms Free Clinic, Safe Families for Children, VIP Services, Inc., Twin Oaks Homeless Shelter and Walworth County Alliance for Children/Treehouse were in attendance along with members from the United Way of Walworth County's Board of Directors.
"We're not just impacting those agencies and the people they serve, but rather supporting a safety net of agencies that work together to do some really amazing things." Chris Stebnitz
About the United Way of Walworth County
The corporation unites donors, service providers and beneficiaries of services by evaluating community assets and needs, planning community-building strategies, conducting an annual fundraising campaign, and distributing funds to not-for-profit agencies, programs and services.
United Way focuses on three building blocks of EDUCATION, INCOME & HEALTH in order to create long-lasting changes. By advancing the common good – everyone strives for the opportunity to have a good life: a quality education that leads to a stable job, enough income to support a family through retirement and good health.
A large percentage of the UWWC's annual budget comes from employee campaigns at several businesses throughout the county. If you are interested in learning how your company can create their own employee campaign, contact the UWWC at 262.374.4474 for more information.
Ninety-Nine percent of every dollar donated to United Way stays in Walworth County.